

There are four main functions of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Transportation

  • Digestion

  • Absorption of food

  • Excretion of waste products

The mucosal integrity of the gastrointestinal tract and the functioning of its accessory organs are vital in maintaining the optimal health of your pet.

The GI tract is actually the largest component of the body’s immune system and it plays an important role in helping your pet stay healthy. It is also involved in regulating their body’s hormonal systems.

Your veterinarian may recommend supplements such as Aventi GI Complete or Aventi GI Essentials to help restore, heal, support and manage their GI tract – either proactively or as the result of a medical condition!

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Although various products that provide gastrointestinal support to your pet are available without prescription, any recurrent gastrointestinal discomfort should be discussed with your veterinarian.


Your veterinarian is the best person to give you advice and recommendations regarding your pet’s GI Tract Health

Depending on your pet, there is a delicious nutritional supplement that can help.

Aventi GI Essentials

(powder in sachets)

A proven combination of prebiotics and probiotics that can be used on a daily basis to help support a healthy GI tract environment.

  • Encourages a healthy intestinal flora;

  • Supplies nutrients to the GI tract;

  • Helps maintain a healthy immune system;

  • Helps improve stool quality.


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Aventi GI Complete

(paste, powder, chewable tabs)

Contains what the body needs to quickly NORMALIZE and RESTORE GI tract function

  • Maintain a healthy intestinal immune system

  • Encourage a healthy intestinal flora

  • Provide nutrients to the GI tract

  • Maintain water and electrolyte balance


Aventi Hairball & Stool


Promotes the passage of stool & ingested hair through a healthy digestive tract


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Thera-Bites Hairball & Stool 

(soft chews)

Promotes the passage of stool & ingested hair through a healthy digestive tract